
What is Starcraft:ghost?


A game that is based on a PC game called Starcraft. The game was suposed to be released in 2006 but rumors say that Blizard, the company that produced starcraft,cancled it. Unlike the original starcraft this was a console based game for X-Box and PS2 ,and rumors suggested of a Gamecube version, and it was a 3rd shooter.

Guy 1:Hey dude you ever here of Starcraft:Ghost?

Guy 2:Yeah it was like fucked up I couldn't keep track

Guy 1:Ok....

See starcraft, Firenze


A Game that is supposed to be released sometime next year.

Supposedly a console game that looks lame

note:they said that over 3 years ago see:Starcraft

nerd 1:"yo, b-net is talking about releasing Starcraft:Ghost next year."

nerd 2: "man, they have been saying that for years now."


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