
What is Starla?


1. someone who's thinks they are the boss

2. is known for being a cry baby

3. usually a lier

4. one word "drama"

5. a pale white ass

God, don't be such a Starla!

See ass, lier, cry, gay


one who falls under any of these categories:

1. ratty, grimy hair

2. annerexic bitch

3. drama spreading- esp. rumors!

4. crying wimp

5. granny panties!!!

1. stop being such a starla, you retard.

2. that starla needs to get a frikking life.

See ugly, freak, gay, wimp


Usually too quiet. Brainy, misunderstood, average. Not destined for greatness but not destined for failure.

Have you met the new girl?

No she seems kind of starla.

See quiet, average, timid, shy, misunderstood


Usally a unique girl with a different style. She likes to be in charge. Drama tends to follow her, but shes used to it. Shes seen as a b*tch because she stands up for herself. Shes wanted my most, and hated by many.

Shes such a Starla.

I wish I could be like Starla.

See star, unique, drama, envy, boss


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