
What is Startaurus?


1.One who is inflexible in his/her ways, rigid, intolerant of others (especially culturally), and believes he/she is always right; no debate will sway him/her.

2.One who uses way too many emoticons (25 to be precise, at all times).

3.One who is uneducated, uses improper English/grammar.

Adam: Did you hear that Sam and Alice got married?

Sara: They can't get married- he's a Greek and she's a Turk!

Adam: Please stop acting so StarTaurus.

Sara: What do you mean? (insert 25 "rolling eye" smilies here)

Adam: You are such a troll.

Sara: Someone heres a troll all right but it's not me!

See troll, n00b, uneducated, douche bag, loser


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