
What is Starter?


A Starter is a woman who is in a pimps stable of women, who is his first priority usually the breadwinner.

I take my starter shopping at Saks and my other girls to Wal Mart.

See dimepiece, stallion, breadwinner, prostitute, hooker


(adj) In modern times Starter is used to describe someone who talks a lot of shit, but says very little. Much like the ramblings and lies found in the Bible, a starter is someone who "starts" rumors, and creates problems for everyone around him. To be called Starter has very negative connotations.

Jeff says "I saw on CNN that when the moon eclipses the sun in the state east of California, Shadowman will strikeout all of the western world."

Randy says "Yo man what are you talking about? You are such a starter."

See dogmatic, mib, lies, prophecy, problem


The sex position in which one person gets down in the starting blocks position and the other person is standing at the "starter's" head. The starter is then giving him a BJ. May also be switched to be inverted starter. Where the person standing moves to the back of the starter and proforms anal sex.

Dillin: Lets think of something perverted we could do with these starting blocks!

Zac: Let's do the starter!

Dillin: Inverted?

Zac: Why not!

See starter, bj, blow job, anal, wanking


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