What is Stat Whore?
In terms of online gaming, some one that cares to much about there stats as to try to "pwn" all the "n00bs"
"THat JimJim09 guy keeps slaughtering me..."
"Yea, he keeps bragging about his scores. He is such a stat whore"
In gaming (mainly Counter-strike) when someone is so concerned about their score, they reconnect/rejoin everytime they get killed.
noob stat whore keeps reconnecting
A term used in an online game called
Players that bulk up on high stat outfits that give them +30 attack and +50 defense and +28 money etc..
Veteraninthegame: Hah! I hate you stat whores.. just because you have good items doesn't make you better than everyone else..
Overconfidentplayer: Fuk yu pro! Ill
PWN you!!