What is Staten Island Douchebag?


Staten Island Douchebag - AKA - SIDB

The definition of the large majority of young men and women from 16-30 years who live repetative, shallow lives that make up Staten Island.

SIDB's usually consist of dudes who:

- Get their nails and eyebrows done.

- Go to tanning salons.

- Drive their dad's expensive car.

- Have some kind of rediculously spikey hair style or a "fauxhawk"

- Wear tight jeans, pop their stupid collars up and love fist pumping in a bar or club.

- Take steriods and love cocaine.

- Very wiggerish.

- Enjoy freestyle and hip-hop music.

- In the gym they take up machines because they are more busy looking at their muscles, tanlines and talking on their cell phones.

- Were probably the most popular in high school so they live off that reputation till they are 25 and most likely will never amount to anything unless they are handed a job by a successful relative.

- Usually are loud mouthed 3rd or 4th generation Italian-Americans who know a friend, who knows a guy, who's uncle is connected, therefore they believe they are connected.

- Would never fight you unless 10 or 15 of his "boys" are around and you're by yourself.

- Probably are, were or want to pose for the FDNY calendar.

- Good chance fucked one of his male friends.

- Are the main reason the people at the Jersey Shore hate New Yorkers.

SIDB usually consist of girls who:

- Have orange face.

- Have the brightest teeth you ever seen.

- Put their hair in that stupid poof thing like paris hilton or gwen stefani.

- Are too good to drink beer.

- Usually are in credit card debt.

- Got fake tits or german automobile on her sweet sixteen causing her parents to go into credit card debt.

- Usually her family moved from Brooklyn, into a condo or house with a 3 foot backyard.

- Works in a tanning salon or as a hairdresser, waitress or bartender because they went to Staten Island Community College or St.Johns Staten Island Campus for 1 semester and have no qualifications.

- Enjoy double parking and parking in firezones and handicap spots, then argue with cops when they get caught.

- Generally are spoiled rotten.

- Very cunty.

- Only reading they do is celebrity gossip magazines.

- Generally have filthy mouths but surprisingly they wont give head.

Guy #1 "Hey is that bar gonna be filled with Staten ISland Douchebags?"

Guy #2 "Yes"

Guy #1 "I'm not going then"

See staten island, douchebag, cunt, metrosexual


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