
What is Statist?


Modern day supporter of political slavery; A secular State-Worshiper; Member of the cult of the State; An irrational, immoral, collectivist parasite which leeches off the productive private sector at the point of a gun, while attempting to justify such behavior through invalid, unethical, altruistic arguments. Uses statist law (oppressive edicts backed by criminal violence) to intimidate and run the neo-slave racket. Typically found in government, politics, bureaucracy, police, military and law; aka Supporter of such; Governmentalist; Nationalist; A degenerate sub-human who makes your life a living hell; An accident just waiting to happen...

A statist is just about anyone who's not an anarcho-capitalist

See ancap, freedom


Someone who supports the political class's special right to subjugate everybody else.

Just because I think that government taxation is somehow different and better than theft doesn't mean I'm a statist!

See statist, dictator, communist, tyrant, nazi


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