
What is Statistic?


(1)An offensively normal person.

(2)One who mindlessly follows the crowd, even to the point of letting down or betraying his friends.

(1)You don't really need an iPod, it just makes you a statistic.

(2)You won't D&Dwith us, just cause it's evil? You fucking statistic!

See normal, stupid, sheeple, math, tool


5 out of 7 statistics are made up

Person A: Dude, you KNOW 6/10 girls want me

Person B: Your statistic is LIES!

See stat, stats, statistic, data


a dead man, someone who was murdered, often used in as a lame ass threat

"the act of making someone a statistic"

"You wannna be a statistic?"

See statistic, dead, murdered, killed, shot, warn


A person with a disease

uhh... YOU!


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