
What is Statistics?


statistics is a branch of science which deals with data collection,presentstion,analysis, and drawing conclusion for any problem under study.

science without statistics bears no fruit

statistics without science has no root

See statistic, facts, figure, count


The study of percentages, bars, graphs, and charts, all in an attempt to make some sort of logical conclusion out of a bunch of numbers so that even more percentages, bars, graphs, and charts can be made.

Statistics may not be of practical use in everyday life, unless you own a casino.



The mathamatical study of the distribution of data on any subject to prove any point you're trying to make, when whining about it doesn't work.

39% of all statistics are made up.

See jt


also known as a useless subject one is forced to do to complete one's degree in Capitalism 1001 so one can get a piece of paper at the end of four years to be part of a globalised world so one can feed one's children (if one chooses to have any) and live happily ever after.

so if one does not do statistics one will lead a sad and lonely life.

look at all the happy people, want to know their secret? its statistics.

See happy, capitalism, globalisation, children, secret


Bullshitalot of the time.

Most of the time, statistics are bullshit.

See bullshit, a, load, of, shit


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