
What is Staunch?


1. very loyal and committed - adjective

2. Stop or restrict - verb

1. He was a staunch supporter of the cause

2. The medic staunched the flow of blood from the wound

See loyal, steadfast, dependable, halt


When someone comes by you or from behind and goes "KSSSSSS!" or "TSSSSSSS" really loud and sharp.

The sound is hard to explain but is easy to do (make a 'k' sound immediately followed with a long (1 second) 's' sound). At the same time you have to sort of quickly lunge your face towards theirs so it scares them more adding to the sound.

Also to make it easier for you, pretend to be talking to someone that is relatively behind the person you are going to staunch so that you will be a tad closer to the staunchee so that they will have less reaction time (they will sometimes have time to see you begin the staunch and start to duck straight away).

If you obviously see them flinch or blink massively then you yell "STAAAUUNCHEEDD!!!" and laugh loud.

Chit : "blahblahblah tom blah-KSSSSSSSS!!"

Staunchee: *mad flinches or something*


See staunched, stonch


1. big, muscular

2. to (put the staunch on) as threatening/scaring them

3. to be smooth infront of girls

1. that blokes a staunch

2. i put the staunch on some kids yesterday

3. i saw u putting the staunch on those ladies


noun. To steal, rack, pilfer, acquire illegally, borrow without asking and without intention to return.

"Did you see that fucker? He just staunched my phone!"

"Damn, your mates girlfriend is HOT!. Keep her away from me or she is so getting staunched..."

See steal, rack, pilfer, take, stolen


slang term meaning something good or even great, word commonly used by collective 'the staunchinos'

that Gig was staunch kid

See staunch, staunchino


To stand over some one; to scare and threaten some one

(standing infront of a person cracking your nuckles invoking fear in person at train station and them stepping back against fence) *next day*

"i hear you were trying to fucken staunch him at the station cracken your nuckles n shit"


The act of being blazed out of one's mind.

Austin is super staunch right now.

See high, blazed, staunch, stoned, intoxicated


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