
What is Steps?


Lines that scene girls and some boys shave in the sides of their heads in order to fulfill their dream of becomeing 3xtr3m3 fashioncore 1337 hipsters.

Some put them on both sides, some on only one. Some have five lines, some have 2. Some are straight, some have edges in them.

It probably really sucks when after they realize how ridiculous they look and decide to grow them out and they have all these little hairs that stick out on the sides of their head.

Dang that girl has some nice a$$ steps, I bet she's 1337 scene girl!!!!!!

See scene, hipster, hardcore, 1337, elite, ugly, hair, fashioncore


Illinois public school system actually called the High School Attendance Program(HSAP)used to kick kids out of a class or give them an automatically failing grade due to too many truancies or unexcused tardy-truancies. A "second chance" is given when a students shows improvement in attendance and work/grade, a big meeting is scheduled with your counselor, parents and people from the district.

Joe: Shit son, why were you gone for the last two months of the semester? I thought you were only on step 2 in geology!

Alex: Shit, I got kicked out of school because of too many steps on ALL my classes! I'll year!

See steps


Shoes, pair of shoes usually some hot vintage hard to find deals

Yo where did you cope those steps?

See kicks, shoes, trainers, Ebenezer


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