What is Steven Spielberg?
One of the most influential director/producers in history by helping create master pieces such as The Indiana Jones Series, Back to the Future, The Jurasic Park Set, E.T., All the 'Jaws' too.
Credited with two Best Director, Acadamy Awards for films: Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan.
I watched The Terminal last night, it was really fucking good.
N. An overrated director who directed biased films such as saving private ryan and Munich. He's Jewish and resigned from helping the Chinese Olympics in 2008 because he believes China have bad human rights record even though he don't even know where China is. His country U.S.A is invading Iraq and Afghanistan and not to mention his nation Israel is also showing great human abuse of the Palestinians. Rumors is that he was paid a ton of money and was a good opportunity to for a publicity stunt to boast his future works for boycotting the Olympics.
Adj. A big hypocrite, to do something when someone pays you a load of cash,
PersonA: Hey Anthony I thought you were going to help me with my project.
PersonB: Sorry I can't, because I think you have bad grades and Mellisa paid me $500 to help with her project.
PersonA: Well, you grades aren't even close to mine , you are such a Steven Spielberg.