
What is Steveox?


An obscure internet enigma who has posted across many internet forums, often relating to sports, especially Baltimore sports. Humiliates himself often to the entertainment of others. Is known for derailing threads into nonsensical political and sports related rants. Seems to start countless threads on anything that comes to his mind, and will amass thousands of posts in relatively short periods of time, often leading to bannings in these various forums.

Known current and past forum associations include Baltimoresun's talk forums, ESPN, Scout, Extremeravens, Diehardbaseball, Ravenstalk, Alldeaf, Houseofpolitics, and many many more.

Upon first sight one is inclined to believe Steveox is merely a gimmick, designed to rile up others and draw attention. However, the consistency of his posts, which go back to probably earlier than 1999, suggest this could be a serious case. If you have encountered steveox or any of his other handles across the internet, you remember him. See examples for steveox's ramblings and unique writing style.

The "ox" in steveox is believed to come from the year 1961, which was the Chinese year of the ox, and also his birth year.

Hates police officers with a passion that often gets him into trouble with moderation.

Search for any of his handles on google if you're bored and want some laughs. He is aka Buckdodgers, Jack-O-Lope, Ravensteve, Ravensteve1, Ravensteve1961, simplemind, Steveox1961, Steve888, Steve Mario.


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Subject: There are 3 people who never lied!

Comments: (1)Jesus Christ (2)George Washington (3)Rush Limbaugh"--steveox on Ravenstalk.

"Did Angelos FV CK Up again? What kind of Fv Ck up did he do this time? First he FV CKED Up a great Propect Jack Cust to oakland and batting homers there. And now a reliver Scott Williamson? If he proves he can hold yankee to leads and win ballgames IM GONNA FV CKING BLAME PETER ANGELOS FOR THIS ONE. Lets face it,, Peter Angelos is truly one of the greatest FV CK UPS in sports history. When a Man like Peter Angelos continues to fv ck up things over and over again and again which expects people to say ,,,Ohh,, What you expect?? Hes a FV CKUP! Peter Angelos has this organizion into a fatigue.Hes a van gogh of sports owners in other words a gilligan who cant do anything right. I love the Orioles, Its the owner and the front office staff and certain players who i cant stand. Like Tejada,Mora and Gibbons for example.And i certainly cant stand Mike Flanagan as GM. Angelos finaly hired someone right for a change. Im not talking about Trembley,Im talking about Andy McPhal. Now lets look at some of the lame Duck managers Peter Angelos has hired. First he fired a very good manager Davey Johnson. Then He hired a Moron named Mike Hargrove who didnt do nothing when players make mistakes.Then he Hired Lee Mazzili an New York Joker with an thumb up his @$$. Then another Joker Sam Perlozzo who didnt know what hes doing. And Hopfuly Trembley knows how to use the bullpen correctly and disapline players as well. Lets face it, Going to an orioles game with Peter Angelos as the Ringleader is like watching an Elton John Concert. Peter Angelos is continuing fooling the fans and every year the media gets our hopes up high before the season starts and half way down in every season its the same old story.Thats like feeding money to Vince McManhon to his clown ring circus.Im sick n tired of Peter Angelos of throwing good prospects away or even trading them for another clown.We have enough clowns here we dont need any more. We have an Gilligan, an Maxwell Smart, An Barney Fife even an Gomer Pyle.Im tired of Half wits like Peter Angelos fv cking up a great Baltimore sports tradition down the toilet. I only wish we can live in a movie like ""Ground Hog Day"" And Wake up every morning and live in the 1970 season over and over again and never leave 1970. Man those were the real good old days for Baltimores Sports. I remember the Orioles were Giant contenders as well the Colts were Giant contenders as well too back in 1970. And Dont forget the Baltimore Bullets that year too.Im just so frustrated with this clown and have to watch Mr Angelos make fools out of us everytime we spend $30-$40 down the ballpark. I only pray and wish that GOD would do something about Mr Angelos like why not have Lightning Strike down his heart? Or why cant GOD make Mr Angelos suffer in a Stroke? Why cant God Make Mr Angelos get run over by a bus or something? I just cant take or stand this stupidy by Peter Angelos!!"--steveox on ESPN's Baltimore Orioles forum.

"The best Police officers in the world are Japans. Tokyo Police dont trap speeders and they dont look around parking meters to write tickets on time expired violations.Tokyo police dont hide in bathrooms and when someone with a prositute and yell FREEZE!!! Tokyo Police are more like a service to you like if youre broken down on the highway they pull over and offer you an assistance and after they get your car up and running again they dont ask for your drivers license nether. Police in Japan wanna solve crimes instead of making people angry at em. Police in Japan are more like a service to you than the bozo corrupted ones in america."--steveox on the subject of policing.


The most imfamous poster on Unruly Politics. Made famous for his knee-jerk conservativestance on almost every issue. Steveox makes Bushlook liberal.

Jerry Falwell and Steveox may very well be the same person.


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