Stiff Blueberry

What is Stiff Blueberry?


In order to successfully perform a Stiff Blueberry, you have to swim in the ocean in an area heavily inhabited by octopus. You find one and then proceed to stick your cock in whatever crevace you can find on it's body, until it squirts it's blue ink all over your dick and balls in a last attempt to defend itself. In most cases however, it is too late, for you have filled it with your own creamy ink. ;)

Dan:"Dude, I don't remember your dick looking like Papa Smurf"

Dave:"Well, why the hell are you looking at my dick in the first place?"

Dan:"Cause YOU crammed it in my butt last week!"

Dave:"Oh haha oh yeah"

I filmed Michael doing the old Stiff Blueberry. Everything was going good until he saw me. I guess SOME people don't like complete strangers filming them performing illegal sex acts in their own pool...

See stiff, blueberry, gay, dan, dave, balls


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