Stink Eye

What is Stink Eye?


a surfer term meaning a glare or lingering dirty look

when that dude stole my wave I gave him

total stink eye

See D


The Hawaiian pidgin term for a hard, scornful glare.

I not doin' anykine when some lolo turn an give me stink eye cuz he like beef. (English translation: I wasn't doing anything when some fool turned and gave me a hard look because he wanted to fight.)

See evil eye, stinkeye, pidgin, hawaiian, glare


The look I give a friends ex when we help her pick up her things at his house. AKA EVIL EYE (Like you deserve a beating)

"When we get to Ivan's house, he's getting the stink eye."

See stank eye


1. A dirty look.

2. The anus.

3. A term originating in the Weebl and Bob cartoon "CSI", it is a disease with unknown symptoms that necessitates the use of cool sunglasses.

1. That bitch just gave me the stink eye. All I did was squeeze her boob.

2. The proctologist is a man who fingers you in the stink eye.

3. "And what is with those damn shades as well?!"

"I got stink eye."

"Oh. Right. Sorry."

See stink eye, anus, weebl and bob, doctor


An alternate term for pink eye. It is safe to replace pink eye with stink eye because for one to get pink eye, shit must enter the ocular cavity. This fact is worthy of ridicule.

"Hey stink eye, throw me the remote."

"Come on man. It's pink eye."

"Well maybe if you stop playing with your ass hole so much you won't get shit in your eyes when you touch them. Stink eye."

"Whatever man."

See stink eye, pink eye, shit, eyes, stinkeye, pinkeye


the act of getting smoke in your eye

getting stink eye can occur while smoking a blunt

See smoking, weed, marijuana, blunt, high


when someone rolls into a public restroom when your trying your best to shat while hovering, and the try to peek at you through the crack in the door.

I was in mid hover when that fag Josh strolled in and gave me the stink eye using the mirror.

See stink, eye, hopper, hover, bathroom


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