What is Stolen?
When something is borrowed without asking and with no intention to give back.
Similar to
Mario: Oh shit! My Nintendo was stolen.
Luigi: Oh no! That is very bad.
When someone finds a real bargain or item for a really cheap price.
Guy 1 "Dude nice car, where'd you find it"
Guy 2 "In the Trading Post, it was only 2 grand"
Guy 1 " Stolen!"
Hometrick 1"OMG girl check out these Jimmy Choo's, they were on sale for $800"
Hometrick 2 " Stolen!"
A person who has taken too much drugs ex. Ecstacy, Lsd, Crack, Crystal or way too much Hash can become stolen it means people who dont know how to take drugs get their brain damaged permanantly. Symptoms : people who say stupid stuff that dont make sense or stuff that do not involve the conversation or doing stupid stuff.
Yesterday we saw Habib in the street and we were smoking and he came and wanted to smoke so we told him that were going to be bak and to wait for us here and he waited there for 6 hours. Habib is Stolen