
What is Stomache?


An idiot who can't spell "stomach".

Guy1: Man, my stomache is killing me.

Guy2: It's stomach, dumbass.

See stomache, stomach, idiot, stupid, word


Similar to a happy trail except grows sideways and resides an inch or so above the belly button. Picture the belly button being the mouth.

I have a hot date tonight, good thing I just trimmed my stomache.

Holy Shit! Did you see that guy's sweet stomache. That must have taken him months to grow.

See stomache, gut, stomach, mustache


A condition certainly having nothing to do with an aforementioned idiot who can't spell "stomach." Those of us who have the ability to read might note that said idiot used the correct spelling of "stomach" in the definition... bitchcunt :)

I hope you get a stomache--preferably as a result of some chronic, fatal illness--and die.

See tummy, tummybox, blah


Upset stomach, contracted form of "stomach ache"

You can't sit on my lap, pet, I have a stomache.

See Popsicle


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