
What is Stoney?


Someone or something that possesses a laid back, hippie-esque quality.

A relaxed atmosphere, state or setting.

I was straight chillin' in a stoney hash bar in Amsterdam when I thought to myself, "I need a blumpy"

See Pimp Daddy


Someone who smokes a lot of ganja, and forgets plenty of things.

"Where is the milk"? "In the fridge, stoney."

See stoner, stoned, pothead, hippy


To be "stoned" --as in what Katherine Tramel did the police in Basic Instank, showin off her "V"--by a co-worker going commando, preferably in a meeting or large office gathering, or a retreat.

OMG did you see that vedgie, man you just got stoney-ed.

See vedgie, know the toe, BTTL


Stone Island.

Stone Island is a very expensive designer make from italy which specialise in making coats/jackets.

There clothing is quality but very expensive, there are many fakes that have flooded the market and are of poor quality. Often worn by football hooligans/football fans!

Liverpool1: Look at that Wrexham fan wearing a stoney coat!

Liverpool2: Lets rob it!


This dude Sam Abercrombie who looks like the lost 8th Dwarf of Snow White fame. He is constantly smiling, laughing, and smoking.

Me: "Hey Stoney, wanna drive me to Waffle House?"

Stoney: "Hahahahahahahaha"

Me: "Nah, really dude, wanna go get some waffles?"

Stoney: "Yeah dude, wanna get high first?"


Stoney is an elite hacker i know.

He owns yall niggas who talk shit about him heh


Stoney owns the irc and i think you know why :D


A stella drinking sheep shagga

He had a Stoney night


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