
What is Stonk?


World War II British slang for a massed artillery bombardment on an enemy position.

5th Battery'll be stonking Jerry in the morning!


1) Power

2) Control

Can also be used as a verb - stonked

That guy is full of stonk

See River Dove


A word that used to mean a Comic Relief dance and for some reason now means an erection.

Robert - "Check it out Mike has a stonk on!"

See erection, hard-on, hard on, stiffy, boner


A collection of skoal, grizzly, or kayak tobacco packed into the lower lip often times making all limbs feel like a feather. Best suited for couch sitting during televised games.

Hunglow: You guys wanna stonk after this period

Diesel: For sure I'm gonna stonk the f$ck outta that tin

Captain Reebs: Dibs not first stonk on that fresh tin

Hunglow: You wanna stonk kas?

Kas: You gotta a tin?

Captain Reebs: Wej

See skoal, lipper, digger, lip, skob


a word either used to describe a good deal of amazing marijuana or some smelly chronic.

"woah thats some stonkin' green"

See stonking, stonkin', chronic, chron, stonker


(noun): An object/creature that is in general or at that time emitting a horrendous odor.

Taken from the pattern in the word song, a song is a noun, to sing is the action of vocalizing music, sang, is it in the past-tense as well as sung, and so the word stonk is thought of in the same sense as that of the word song.

Man, you're such a stonk!

That ham's now a complete stonk.

See stonk, stink, stinky, smelly, stank, sing, sang, song, stunk


To get a boner when excited by fat girls

"Did you see that he was rolling on the bed with that chick"

"EUGH, i saw he got a stonk on"

See erection, boner, hard on, humdinger


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