
What is Stormfront?


A website dedicated preservation of the white race, and the celebration of its heritage. There is a difference between believing your race is superior to others, and simply having pride in what you are.

Hispanic person: I'm proud to be hispanic!

Everyone: Good for you!

Black person: I'm black and I'm proud!

Everyone: Right on, brother.

White person: White pride!

Everyone: RACIST! <commense stone-throwing>

Does anyone see what's wrong with this picture?


A place run by a bunch of White Nationalists. Anyone who is not a WN and posts in their Opposing Views section have to go through a 'screening process' before their posts get posted. Half of the time out, posts don't get approved by moderators (surprise, it's usually the best ones).

More madness if you type in "SomethingAwful Stormfront" on good ol' Google and click on the 6th page.

See stormfront, holohoax, nazi, racist, white


A racist website that whites flock to to spread their hateful beliefs and opinions. This website promotes white sumpremacy, the users on this site claim that they're racialists, a more "polite" term for a racist. The users of thie site also believe in White superiority, basically they think that they're superior to those of other racists. This site also tries to pinpoint mistakes made by MLK instead of trying to pinpoint his achievements.

One stormfront user talking to another stormfront user-

"I really hope I do well in basketball this season, I really want to beat the black kids."

"Yea, best of luck to you! Be sure to stuff the ball down their throats when you're done beating them!"

See stormfront, racist, racialist, nazi, segregation, Nuncio


neo-nazi website. Authors like to pretend they just love their race unfortunatly their love seems to include considering themselves better than everyone else.

bunch of internet sad casses pretending to be poland-invading-baby-killers who lack the sand to admit what they are.


A racist neo-nazi website promoting white "nationalism" which is another way of saying white power. People here claim to be in favor of preserving the white race and white herritage, but at the same time they demoralise and dehumanise all non white races.

One of stormfronts prime targets is people of the Jewish religeon or who have Jewish background. According to stormfront users, Jews are responsible for all sinister and evil in the world. They accuse Jews of planning the 9/11 attacks. They believe that Jews are trying to create the "Empire of Greater Israel" which is supposedly the Jewish race's secret plan to take control of the middle east. They claim that our government is run by communist Jews (nicknamed Z.O.G. or Zionist Occupied Government") and that the country and the media is run by Jews who manipulate history and news to favor their own interests. They claim such wild things such as president Lincoln being killed by Jewish terrorists by radio waves which triggered a poison capsule inside his body to burst and kill him, and that every white person born since then has one of these poison capsules implanted in their bodys.

Stormfront has an open debate forum wher non whties can start a debate with the white users. Nearly every time somebody starts a thread asking why non white races are inferior to the white race, or asking why they are racist against non whties, they will bring up their only real weapon, which is a conspiracy site such as Jewwatch or similar which have "facts" supporting their insane and illogical claims about race. their sites have no credability and they often dotn care because if you point that out they will respond by calling you a dirty Jew, or a nigger lover socialist or a self hateing anti.

Non white users who register on their website are banned from all sections except the opposing viewpoints forum. This is an attempt to keep their ideas from becomming poisoned by the filthy kikes and gorillas that plague America.

According to the users of the site, Whites are going to be exterminated by non white races, especialy the Jews and blacks. They back this up with statistics showing the population of whites verses the population of non whties and pointing out that the percentage of non whites is rapidly increacing while the population of whites isnt increacing at the same rate. They often attribute this to the "fact" that non whites are more fertile than whites are. The white nationalists believe that expelling the non whites from the country is the only sollution to americas "problems" of multiculturalism, which to them is promoted by those dirty Jews.They plan to take control of the country's government and begin exporting non whites to their "native countries" such as poland, Nigeria, Mexico, China, etc. They want to create an all white America run by Whites which they feel will work better because non whites will no longer be stealing money from the government.

"facts" that stormfront users believe: concentration camps durring WW2 were actualy just german rubber making factories, and some were german uniform factories. There is no such thing as the holocaust. Jews are parasites and are going to kill off the whites! All blacks are criminals and need to be sent back to Africa. No whites ever owned slaves in America.

See jews, blacks, kikes, holohoax, holocaust, white power, hate, racism, racialist, supremacy, conspiracy, anti-racist


A site promoting white supremacy and pride in the white race. It demotes other races.

This site has been classified by tolerance as a racist site that promotes hatred.

People harass Stormfront by posting dissenting material on their message boards.

Stormfront's leader has a young man who, ironically enough, doesn't like the "hateful comments" of others.


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