
What is Stoshing?


When a guy shoves his dick down a bitch's throat, except instead of doing it for sexual pleasure, he does it because she needs to shut her fucking mouth.

Bitch 1: "Yeah, well, you know what? I can't let you in, the website specifically said come ready, that means have the money ready. I can't wait for you to count it."

Guy 1: "Man is she a bitch with a big mouth."

Guy 2: "Yeah she needs a good stoshing."

See stfu, bitch, annoying, cock


When something is so good it makes you want to eject anally

'oh my god look at that stoshing selection of fine wines'

'Have you seen my stoshing new pineapple?'

My girlfriends rear end makes a stoshing entry'

See stoshing, jock, 664, pope, michael, shannon


When a guy shoves his dick down a bitch's throat, except instead of doing it for sexual pleasure, he does it because she needs to shut her fucking mouth.

Bitch 1: "Yeah, well, you know what? I can't let you in, the website specifically said come ready, that means have the money ready. I can't wait for you to count it."

Guy 1: "Man is she a bitch with a big mouth."

Guy 2: "Yeah she needs a good stoshing."

See stfu, bitch, shutup, teabag, ho


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