
What is St.push?



1. A selfproclaimed saint of NYC/Manhattan, as well as a selfconvicted phedophile and rapist

2. Completely lacking in "true" morals, prone to violence and manic rage

3. A genius of logic, a twister of words while still being able to hold all truth and quote directly to the statement made by the debating party

4. rotten, malnourish, mangey, filth

5. androgynous, nonsexual

6. bearing obsession with completing her words in "the name of God", convinced of her favoring by the father

7. An enemy to cheshires and beautifuls, and by most cases {thoughrareinadmitance} feared and honored by such all the same

8. In mark for Jefree Starif willing permits he steps into theNYC and she is without restraint

"looks like the saint's at it again. oh, and she has a permit"

See push.tyber


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