What is Stragedy?
a plan that has the conviction of forethought, but which is so disasterous it begs for hindsight before it is even implemented. A stragedy is often promoted as a strategy to hide the fact that it was conceived from rash and not rational action.
It was a stragedy for the robber to break into a store which sold CCTV cameras. (This actually happened)
It was stragedic thinking for the auto mechanic to weld a leak in the gas tank before he emptied it.
An ill-advised and single-mindedly pursued strategy, which inevitably or predictably brings about failure of the strategist's project.
The US stragedy of favoring the Shiite factions merely led to intensification of Civil War in Iraq and ultimately to the formation of a Shiite Islamic Superstate in the region.
It might be argued the attempt to import Western-style democracy to a very different and dynamic culture without first understanding the culture's historical development or its religious and philosphical underpinnings constitutes the fundamental US stragedy for Iraq.
Designed or trained to strike an opportune target creating a disastrous event facilitating a desired outcome.
Bob knew that picking his girlfriend's uncle's nose while he lay in the casket was the ultimate stragedy that would result in him being on time for the ball game.
(noun) How history reflects on a failed grand plan to perfect the imperfectable, due to boundless incompetence.
sub-prime mortgage providers consorted to cause this unmitigated stragedy