Straight "a" Student

What is Straight "a" Student?


A student who gets all A's on there report cards and will be much better of in life than the average person

Straight "A" Student

A: Hey, what grades did you get?

B: All A's, I am a Straight "A" Student

A: Lucky....

B: Actually, it is a lot of hard work, not luck.

A: Whatever

See straight, a, student, report, card


Someone in school who is considered dorky and may be an outcast because they work hard and focus on school. Usually these people spend their friday nights home alone watching movies on a couch because none of their friends invite them to do stuff.

The girl that I pass in the hallways everyday is smart therefore making her a Straight "A" Student. She must not have too much fun on friday nights.

See smart, dorky, genius, teachers pet, geeky


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