Straight Acting

What is Straight Acting?


1. Conventionally masculine. Describes a homosexualmale whose behaviour resembles that of the traditional heterosexualor straight male stereotype. Often considered politically incorrect (or even homophobic) as a label, but can be used facetiously. May apply to gay males who exhibit conventional masculinity out of a genuine predisposition, as well as to those who affect it out of insecurity (sometimes to remain in the closet).

2. The gay male equivalent of the lipstick lesbian. As a social phenomenon, the "straight acting" homosexual breaks from gay stereotypes in a way comparable to the metrosexual's defiance of straight stereotypes. (Both labels rely on stereotypes in order to be understandable, even as they describe non-stereotypical behaviour.)

1. "I've never considered myself downright flaming, but my straight acting boyfriend makes me look sooo faggy."

2. "He's so straight acting he passed by my gaydarundetected."

3. "I hate the term 'straight acting.' I mean, who's to say that straight people aren't trying to act like US?"

See Marc


A gay or lesbian who has to pretend to be straight in order to avoid persecution.

Hey, is Francisco out of the closet?

No, he's straight acting.

See anonymous


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