What is Straight Blast-off Material?


'Straight Blast-Off Material' (noun) Used to describe a woman, or lady, who is particularly fit or good-looking, etc. Literally, it means a woman who is able to make a dawg prematurely 'shoot his load' or jazz all about the place. Should only be used to describe the hottest of the hot, eg/ Jessica Alba, Jerri Byrne, Sophie Howard and Girls Aloud (except the Ginger one. She's mingin. eurgh!)

Can also be used around one's home town, but only if the female inhabitants are of sufficient quality to warrant such usage. This phrase was ripped straight from the big dawg Westwood, (Tim Westwood, UK DJ who thinks he's black and talks like an idiot.) and will now take it's place in the hallowed halls of the Urban Dictionary.

1. "Hey man, I saw that film with Paul Walker and Jessica Alba yesterday,"

"Yeah? Man, Jessica Alba is Straight Blast-Off Material!!"

2. "I was walking through Skegness the other day, and guess what I saw?"

"What did you see? A fairy-pixie creature?"

"Er...no. I saw some Straight Blast-Off Material baby!! That was ----hot!!"

3. (Westwood) "Ride with the big dawg, check out this Shorty, damn, Straight Blast-Off Material, man-up"

"Shut your face, idiot."

See westwood, shorty, skegness, minging


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