Straight Edge

What is Straight Edge?


Originated from the punkrock/hardcore scene. The philosophy/life-choice that humans should have strength, pride, dignity, honor, and self respect; that they shouldn't engage in activities that are a disgrace to their minds and bodies. (such as ingesting and/or becoming addicted to harmful substances for fun, lying and/or being two-faced, and sharing your body sexually with another person when there isn't even a true emotional bond there)

I'm straight edge you fuck, so no I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs.


A board, or piece of wood or metal, having one edge perfectly straight, used to ascertain whether a line is straight or a surface even, and for drawing straight lines.

"Are you straight edge?"

"Did you just call me a fucking ruler?"

See ruler, sxe, hc, x, xxx, straightedge, straight-edge, edge


Straight edge is basically living a clean life without drugs, drinking and casual sex. It's living a poison free and keeping yourself safe. It is a choice and it does not make you better or worse than anyone. We all make choices and some choose to be straight edge and some don't. Yes, it's true that some people will stop being sXe when they turn 21 but that is just another choice. Straight Edge is a way of life but has now been formed into a trend. Out there, there are true edgers.

1)no drugs

2)no alcohol

3)no promiscuous sex

4) Yes, we do have fun

See T


If you're really straight edge, you don't need to go telling everyone about it, it's something you do for YOURSELF. 99% of the morons with X's on their hands are posers/scenesters obsessed with fashioncore.

Example: A lot of the girls on the "girls gone wild" commercials have big black X's on their hand but they're taking off their clothes for cash. How is that respecting their bodies?


X No drugs, X no alocohol, and X no casual seX

Im not straight edge to be different. Im straight edge because I know its right. Why do I want to get fucked up and forget all the shit that I did that night? No thanks, I want to enjoy my life by remembering it. Think for yourself.

See Lewis


The term originates from a song by "Minor Threat" putting forth the value of a clear mind and a healthy body.

Times as they are, there are now three kinds of sXe'rs.

1. Those who understand what it means. People who value clarity and wish to avoid altered states of perception, poisoning the body, or unsettling the mind. No drugs, some even avoid medicinal drugs as these can alter state of mind. No drinking to excess, as this can alter the mind and poison the body. No promiscuous sex, you got me on this one. These people are, 99% of the time, decent people who see their choices for what they are, choices, nothing more, nothing less.

2. Insecure gits. People who wish to place themselves on a self appointedly superior moral platform, then proceed to brag about how much better they are than everyone else. No drugs. No drink. No Promiscuous sex. No meat. No/very few friends, as few other than those who share their views can stand to be around them for more than ten minutes without driving a lit candle, wick first, into their eye, and injecting them with lighter fluid through the ear.

3. Hardliners. All the stupidity of number two, with knuckledusters. No drugs. No drink. No promiscuous sex. No meat 9 times out of ten. All the clarity with none of the intelligence.

1. I chose not to do drugs, you chose otherwise. *shrugs*

2. Stop poisoning my air you arrogant ignorant smokers!

3. *thwap*


straight edge (sXe)consists of the 3 X's

X- no recreational drug use (includes caffeine- which is a stimulant drug; some will accept drugs such as codeine or morphine for medicinal purposes)

X- no alcohol (some go as far as no Ny-Quil or Day-Quil because they include alcohol)

X- no casual (it doesn't mean abstinence, it means that you won't have one-night stands, but will wait until you are in a commited relationship to have sex.)

People have associated sXe as gang affiliation, but it is a way of life such as vegetarianism or celebasy. it is a way of life that consists of not poisoning your body with ignorance and sustaining a healthy lifestyle.

i am straight edge and for all the people who think it is the "popular" thing to do, you're wrong, and should accept it as a good thing because atleast there will be a few less drug-addicts, alcoholics, or AIDS carriers coming to a town near you!!!!

See Lori


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