Straight Face

What is Straight Face?


Showing that one is completely serious.

Lindsay Lohan's performance in I Know Who Killed Me sucked; she couldn't say one thing with a straight face.

See serious, srsly, serious business, tough, hardass


The act of a male receiving oral intercourse whilst the giving partner does not use their hands in any way. Usually performed by woman with low self-confidence and no gag reflex.

Hey look! That girl Adrian knows is giving everybody straight face!!

See deepthroat, oral sex, head, blowjob, blow job


Dead Serious.

You are Dumb... Straight Face. I'm not smiling :-/

See serious, no joke, mad, urgent


Meaning to keep a "striaght face"during conversation or any type of activity.

Let's ride out to Shawty's crib, I'll sho nuff straight face that bitch.


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