Straight Sex

What is Straight Sex?


1.fucking or having vaginal sex (no anal no ATM MTP or DVD in p u s s y)

back in the middle ages according to religious decree it was considered sinfull to have sex any other way, (now this should be put back into practice except for oral that isnt as disturbing as some of the other shit thats been coming out now-a-days)

See MK


having intercourse

-heterosexual: man and a women

-homosexual: same sex

-bisexual: it's all good

If your a man and have sex/attracted to a women, it's straight sex

If your a man and have sex/attracted to a man, it's straight sex

It's all about you choice for consentual sex and if it feels right..... it's straight sex

See straight sex, sex, attraction, intercourse, having sex


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