Straight Trippin

What is Straight Trippin?


trippin- holding fallacious notions about something or about onesself (as one might have from 'trippin' on a hallucinogenic such as LSD). 2. Acting in an inappropriate or bothersome manner.

'straight' is used for emphasis.

He wants $2,000 for that hoopty? That fool's straight trippin.

2. I can't go out tonight cause my mom is straight trippin.

See Rolando


being rediculous; being difficult

man, you straight trippin.


Adj. Insane, or appearing to be insane.

Yo, dogg, you straight trippin!


Acting strange, rude, mean, not cooperating

Damn dawg, you straight trippin up in here


either not real, not possible or unfuckingbeliveble

You must be straight trippin' dawg.

See Dead


to say, or do something 'stupid', or 'riddiculous'

she was straight trippin when she jumped over that invisible log she thought she saw runnin from 2nd to 3rd base


When one, be it bitch or muthafukka, is having aggressive or overly contrary feelings toward another.

Dat punk is straight trippin, he's gonna get served.

See Gary Coleman


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