What is Straight Up And Down Like 6 O Clock?


Referring to the appearance of a woman who has absolutely nothing to offer in the chest. A woman who is Straight up and down like six o clock looks exactly like what the term implies---there are no boobs to break up the straight line appearance when you look at her from top to bottom. Most prominent when viewed from the side.

"Man did you see that chick?"

"Yeah....she is OK but she has no tits..."

"Yeah I know what you mean....she's straight up and down like 6 o clock!"

See six, o'clock, tits, straight, up, down


i am dead az serious

keya: dat nigga hella sexy

jasmine: he iight

keya: yo gurl im straight up and down like 6 o clock

jasmine: iight wateva,nigga

See fo real, no lie


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