Straight Up Jew

What is Straight Up Jew?


To be completely embracing Judiasm, and consider oneself as a practicing Jew. Must have strong lineage, too.

A 'Straight up Jew' must be completely practicing, and not jew-ish.

A Straight up Jew would do the following:

1)Celebrate Haunnakah, with the candles

2)Study the Torah

3)Not celebrate Christmas

4)Have a jewish mother

5)Know how to prounounce those tricky "hhhlaahck" sounds

6)Go to temple every week.

Hannah: Mr Goldblatt, are you a Straight up Jew, or are you Jew-ish?

Mr Goldblatt: I am Straight up Jew, ach!

See jewish, jew, straight up, jew-ish, torah, rabbi


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