Straw Man

What is Straw Man?


A logic fallacy involving the purposeful misrepresentation of an argument in order to strike it down.

Beware of logic fallacies.


A sucker who is roped into a scam unknowingly and often used as a scapegoat to deflect the attention of the authorities from the real crime.

In tonight's news, the pastor of a local church became a straw man in a check kiting scam.

See scapegoat, sucker, chump, scam, fraud


A favorite opponent of philosophers, politicians, pseudo-intellectuals, real intellectuals, atheists, creationists, political activists, and conspiracy theorists, and a perennially useful one at that.

Said the creationist to the uninformed, using his favorite straw man, "Since randomly jamming your television set rarely fixes any problem, the blind process of evolution is therefore a scientific improbability."

See straw man, argument, philosophy, bullshit, intellectual, Killing Kittens


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