
What is Stretch?


A limousine modified to be extra long. This is done to make the limousine even more ostentatious, all the better to show common people that the person inside is far, far better than they are.

The prefered mode of transportation for limousine liberals like Nancy Pelousy and Quean Hillary and Barack O'Bama.

Fairy: Look at that stretch, Pansy.

Pansy: There must be a limousine liberal inside, showing how rich and powerful she is.

Fairy: Let me at that voting booth! I have to vote for that limousine liberal so she can raise my taxes.

Pansy: Oh, me too. Limousine liberals just looooove us fairies and pansies.

See liberal, limousine liberal, quean, fat cat


(n.) A term of incarceration in prison

I was put away for a long stretch.


A local country term for useless dole sponging travellers who avoid legitimate work by any means necessary

"Stretch alert! Look at them load of Strecth's laying that block paving then going to sign on"

See stretch, traveller, unemployed, sponging, sponger


English travelling dole spongers with overinflated ego's,bad teeth, no hair and black stringy over stretched jumpers, holding a flee bitten dog on a bit of string.

Often found in the early hours laying in doorways in a puddle of their own urine. term later used to refer to any remotely vagrant individual

"Coor did you smell that stretch swimming in that puddle of piss"?

See travellers, butchers, traveller, dole


Casual Anal Sex

"Taylor do you want to go stretch for 15 minutes, I'm feeling really tight."

Meaning: "I'm horny I want to have anal sex"

See anal, sex, quickie, casual


English travelling dole spongers with overinflated ego's,bad teeth, no hair and black stringy over stretched jumpers, holding a flee bitten dog on a bit of string.

Often found in the early hours laying in doorways in a puddle of their own urine. term later used to refer to any remotely vagrant individual

"Coor did you smell that stretch swimming in that puddle of piss"?

See traveller, scumbag, thief, vagrant, pisshead, waste of space


a long distance

whoy i ent goin there its a stretch


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