
What is Stringboard?


Some lost person's definition of the Shadow Caper's guitar.

The stringboard came from the screwed up minds of The Shad and the rest of us, his band-mates. We were just making fun of a couple of ditzy female friends. Oddly enough though, Shadow and I were walking around downtown Boise after we had a gig a couple nights before when some girl came up to the Shadow Caper and said something about a stringboard. I assumed that she was looking for the word, guitar. This was the honest to whatever you beleive in truth. I thought this girl was crazy but whatever as long as she liked our show, who cares? Read the example becaause that's how it happned.

Girl: "Hey that concert rocked! You were incredible on the..."

Shadow: "The guitar"

Girl: "The what?"

Shadow: "You know, the guitar. Six strings. A lot of them have a hole in the..."

Girl: "Oh, you mean the STRINGBOARD"


Some lost person's definition of the Shadow Caper's guitar.

The strng bord came from the screwed up minds of The Shad and the rest of us, his band-mates. They were just making fun of a couple of ditzy female friends. Oddly enough though, Shadow and I were walking around downtown Boise after we had a gig a couple nights before whn some girl came up the Shadow Caper and said something about a stringboard. I assumed that she was looking for the word, guitar. This was the honest to whatever you beleive in truth. I thought this girl was crazy but whatever as long as she liked our show, who cares? Read the example becaause that's how it happned.

Girl: "Hey that concert rocked! You were incredible on the..."

Shadow: "The guitar"

Girl: "The what?"

Shadow: "You know, the guitar. Six strings. A lot of them have a hole in the.."

Girl: "Oh, you man the STRINGBOARD"


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