
What is Stringer?


A snitch or informant. A person who gossips about someone or who gives information about them to authorities, often in exchange for something.

"We were followed. A few seconds after we dropped off our local stringer on a street corner, he was grabbed and hustled into a car by three men working for one of the cartels." -- from an NPR Morning Edition story on Michoacan drug violence

See fink, rat, stool pigeon


man who has a series of long-term monogamous relationships with girlfriends but never ends up marrying any of them (usually says "no" when a girl asks him or raises the idea if they should get married)

George and Sally said he won't marry her after seeing her for 3 years. He also said no to Jane after dating her for 2 years prior. George is a stringer.

See pidgey


The Worst school in Brighton. Any atendees of Stringer are also known as, 'Mingers' and are either inbred, or are so obsessed with themselves they fail majourly at life.

Another word for Dorothy Stringer school is BIGFATFAIL.

Maya Grant, 13: Hey boy, yeah i'm fit, look at me! You love me don't you! Look at my boobs *pushes fully stuffed with tissue chest into uninterested boy's face* yeah you want some of this!

Boy: Err... No thanks.

Maya: I know you want me. *takes naked pictures* Have these.

*boy sends pictures round*

Boy: Weird shaped boobs, Little Stringer slut. What kind of 13 year old does that.

See breasts, boob, stringer, slut, slag, hobag, stringa, brighton, varndean


The third person in a tampon assembly line.

Sally is being promoted from Stringer to Shover-in-the-cardboard-tuber starting next week.



most famous short film maker from thecorpse

friends with yasper, heatholder, and benno, to name a few

first discovered as "stringer bell" on kza's wutangworld website

was rocking the pink before it became fashionable = original G

stringer has the hairiest arms in the state of new york (new york is known for its hairy immigrants)...he will be featured on fear factor as one of the challenges - contestants must eat a quarter pound of his pubic hair

tall man who likes cam'ron and the diplomats

that stringer vid was so hilarious, especially the part where he says "shut up girl or i'll choke you" as a joke...or was it!


A dull twat who tells boring stories; an educated character of limited intelligence; someone who likes eating Korma.

"Last night was going well, but a few of the lads started being Stringer - it kind of nose-dived after that"

See dry, dull


The kid who performs sexual favors to senior citizens and animals for small amounts of money.

Stringer went down on Woman while getting nailed from behind by Sonny.


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