Strong Bad

What is Strong Bad?


Possibly the most awesome guy on the internet today, Strong bad is a short, chubby guy with a Mexican luchadore mask with a blue gem that uncaps things (including removing hats) and a liking for pastries. He commits crimes and capers that usually fail with his partner, The Cheat. He has two brothers, Strong Mad and Strong Sad, which look nothing like each other or Strong Bad himself, for some reason. Strong Bad hails from Parts Unknown, and recieved the egg containing The Cheat by losing a ten-step footrace to Homestar Runner. Most importantly, he answers ACTUAL emails on homestarrunner, and hilarity ensues. Plays very bad prank calls on Marzipan and draws a notebook paper comic called Teen Girl Squad.

"On a scale from one to awesome, I'm super-great."-Strong Bad

See dpo


The embodyment of Manliness. Calls everyone crap and has assistant named The Cheat. Has brother named Strong Sad and another named Strong Mad. Homestar Runner's arch rival.

"Why you lazy crap for crap!" Strong Bad

See Jonathan


A character on homestarrunner, who wears a wrestling mask and has boxing gloves for hands. He answers weekly e-mails with flash cartoons. The creator of among many other institutions, Teen Girl Squad and Trogdor, the Burninator. And, may I say, he is extremely attractive.

Strong Bad floats my boat.

See Katy


He defines awesome



the coolest guy this side of strong badia, he answers emails and is just plain awesome

oh, electronic mail!

See shtuff


A very awexome guy who can make you laugh, but if he doesn't make you laugh **cough** loser **cough** then there is something seriously wrong with you.

Do you don't not dislike not Strongbad???

See fhqwhgads


He's a dude with a Mexican wrestling mask,boxing gloves and wears no shirt(to impress all da LADIES!) XD

"Stiny! Get me a danish!"


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