What is Strong Badia?
A country ruled by Strong Bad, which is mostly just an empty field. The population of Strong Badia is Tire. A common misconception is that Strong Bad and The Cheat also live in Strong Badia. However, Strong Bad actually lives in a house with his brothers Strong Mad and Strong Sad in Free Country, USA. The Cheat also resides in Free Country, USA, in the King of Town's Bar-B-Q. Thus, the Population of Tire for Strong Badia is quite accurate, unless you want to include other inanimate objects in Strong Badia such as the fence, the cinder block, and the Stop sign on which the population is written.
...get a little place in Strong Badia...
(n) a country created and ruled by Strong Bad consisting of an empty plot of dirt and a fence. Population: Tire
Strong Badia is the coolest place ever.
The field strong bad rules over. Population: Tire.
"Will you join me to invade Strong Badia?"
The country in which the population is tire. Ruled by Strong Bad whom does not live there, yet rules none the less.
I was wondering if there are any ghosts in Strong Badia?
A field ruled by Strong Bad and the population is a tire
Strong Badia rocks!!
The best country in the world. But if Strong Bad and the Cheat rule over it, wouldn't that mean the pop. is tire+2
Strong Bad's Hometown, Population Tire.