
What is Stuball?


5'11"-6' white dude who weighs in at about 204-208 lbs. His friends are his world. Patriotic, but hates politicians. Enjoys eating, sleeping, going to youth group, eating BBQ, calling people DOOSHES, and will beat the crap out of you if you piss him off. He has 5 speeds. 1)Park. 2)Walk. 3)Jog. 4)Run. 5) OH CRAP, you better hope you're more scared of me than I am pissed off at you! He is a nice guy who hates annoying people, and wants Jenny to make him a sandwich. Also, very hungry.

(Random Dude): Who are you, and why are you so weird?

(Me): I'm the Stuball, DOOSH! If you don't like it, then too bad for you. Now go make me a sandwich!

See stu, stuart, cool, hungry, friend


A hairy,yet hairless beast that resides in Queens NY. Although often heard yelling and screaming at his computer,he is rarely seen in daylight since he rises quite early to make a living. Also known as stu-bacca, he may be spotted on the East end of Long Island, jet skiing or In florida looking up old ladies dresses.

If you see or know a STUBALL, contact AR

See stuball, hairy, juice, benz


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