Stubble Burn

What is Stubble Burn?


The removal of female facial skin due to vigerous kissing with a guy with a lot of stubble. Seen by some as a badge of honor, courage, and committment.

After hours of mackin' on that dude at the movies, Berin got herself a little case of stubble burn.

See pain, burn, stubble, shaving, rash


Removal of Lissa's chin when making out a bit too pationately with a certain golfer, often results in scabbing and non-stop humiliation. Involves constant application of neosporin and care bear bandaids.

"Lissa did you get hit in your face by a frisbee?"

"Why no Natasha havent you ever seen stubble burn before, all the cool kids are doing it."

See chin sex, love burn


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