
What is Stubborn?


Someone who doesn't listen to other people's opinionts. A stubborn person always thinks he's right. Often assosiated with arrogant and acting allknowing. Its the same as obstinate and koppig.

I don't like stubborn people, they always think they're right and don't listen to anything else.

See obstinate, stubborn, koppig, selfish, all, knowing


A characteristic common in males especially those with a sports paraphernalia obsession. Often found using female pseudonyms to get what they want.

He was so stubborn in his ways he insisted on taking her to McD's for dinner.

See woot woot, poke, cfc, squirt, hoodie


unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving

"Ruben stop being so stubborn!"


Someone who is resistant, difficult, and persistent in an opinion, task or idea.

"She was stubborn enough to train a Cat."

See persistent, bullheaded, difficult, staunch


Someone that will not buy a lighter for someone else after that someone else had done a lot of favors for the other person.

"Hey Stephanie, can you buy me a lighter?"

"No, I am subborn, blah blah blah ."


See stub, ead


Cassandra Johnson

Cassandra Johnson Is Taking Fits Today Being Stubborn!

See grouchy, obnoxious, mean, crazy


Someone who is resistant, difficult, and persistent in an opinion, task or idea.

"She was stubborn enough to train a Cat."

See persistent, bullheaded, difficult, staunch


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