Stud Muffin

What is Stud Muffin?


Guy that gets the ladies easy, is always fishin' and....likes a muffin every now and then.

''Man, what a stud muffin that guy is''

See Brendan



a word derived for a man who is in part percieved by females as a stud and with such a word as muffin added meaning that females also want to devour such a man as muffin would be from an oven

oh homegirls he's such a studmuffin i'd just love to be with him and enjoy the pleasures of a studmuffin like him


A guy or girl who is beautiful and sexy to the opposite sex. A stud muffin is usually extremely cute and cuddly, and is a lover not a fighter.

check him out! cole is such a stud muffin! i mean, he's SO smooth!

See cole, stud, muffin, adorable, panda, lover


a man who is irresistible to the opposite sex

also see spiffy

mason is such a stud muffin, all the ladies are attracted to him

See sexy, stud, muffin, spiffy


the pinnacle of manliness; often referred to as a sex object

Yo, check out that guy benching 400 lbs. What a stud muffin!

See manly, brave, courageous, john madden


1. A very attractive male, usually named Emmanuel, that can bring all the girls to the yard--without milkshake. Also looks incredible while applying hair product.

2. A sweetheart with a personality so charming it will give you diabetes, but no one's complaining. In fact, girls flock to him like they flock to muffins, hence the origin of the term. See above.

"Wow, He's such a stud muffin...He must be named Emmanuel".

--"Naw, they call him Manny for short."

See stud, muffins, sexy, meow, emmanuel


someone who is very popular with the ladies, they are also classed as sexual.

hey sexy stodd, you're a stud muffin!

See sexual, stud, muffin, ladies, popular


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