Studio Hustler

What is Studio Hustler?


Derived from studio gangster, this is an individual who engages in illegal and/or illegitimate activity purely for the perceived "street cred" to be garnered therein rather than financial gain, in contrast to a true hustler who circumvents the established system only discreetly, only when necessary, and only with the the intent of attaining an otherwise unattainable large financial windfall. Often encompassing small-time drug dealers who work the corner all day earning less than they would at a minimum-wage job, most studio hustlers often run their mouths in direct inverse proportion to their income. Also poignant as many studio hustlers reside in studio apartments.

"How long has Joey been slinging dimebags now from that shitty crib outside the airport?"

"Studio hustler!"

See hustler, gangster, chump, trick, mark


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