
What is Studly?


one who is quite stud-like.

to be a stud, but only more so.

plural -

"The bigger the dick I have, the more studly I am."


Being a stud, or pimp, picking up ladys rapidly or excelling in sports. Usually the most popluar person in a school

Man Kyle is Studly i wish i could be just like him.

See stud, pimp, playa, g


Someone so handsome beyond comprehension and is very good with the ladies. He is a stud.

That cashier is so studly look at all those ladies surrounding him.

See handsome, hot, babe magnet, stud


a butch lesbian who attracts a lot of femme lesbians; a very flirty butch woman

"Don't even think it; Studly will never settle down"

See stud, studmuffin, lesbian, butch, flirt


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