Stuffed Burrito

What is Stuffed Burrito?


The stuffed burrito is a sexual act that expands on the already well-known hot-carl. There are four steps involved in this particular act.

First, the man creating the stuffed burrito defecates in his partner's mouth. The feces is considered "the beans" of the burrito.

Generally, the receiver will vomit a little bit, creating a mixture similar to pico de gallo or other salsas.

Third, the performer rotates his anus away from his partner's mouth and sticks his penis into the poop.

Upon climaxing, he shoots his semen into the crap-filled orifice, supplying the burrito's sour cream.

You don't have to love Mexican food in order to enjoy a stuffed burrito.

See hot carl, hot-carl, cleveland steamer, reverse cowgirl, mexican food


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