
What is Stugots?


the testicles, balls

stu cazzo or u' cazzu

See Tonio


Made popular by the HBO Series "The Sopranos", stugots is from "(qu)esto cozzo" in Italian, meaning "this cock" or "this dick". Often used in reference to someone being an asshole.

Vito was forty minutes late to our meeting... stugots.


Stugots: from stu cazzo or u' cazzu, the testicles. Tony Soprano's boat is The Stugots.

You got some stugots talkin' to me like that!

See balls, testicles, nuts





3)forget about it


in italian american culture

the term stugots is used to explain many things and situations


guy1:marone cant believe tony whacked joey...

guy2: i know the mans got major stugots to pull that shit


guy: that guys a fuckin stugots...

forget about it...

hes just a dumb cafone...stugots


can you believe that finook! STUGOTS!

See stugots, bullshit, balls, asshole


Stugots is a derivative of 'stu cats' which is Napoletano (dialect from Naples) for "questo catso".

Literally this means "This cock" or "This dick". This expression tresses doubt, disbelief and nothingness. Unlike some translations available on the net, Stugots can't be used as an adjective.

Stugots is often used by Toni and his paesani in "The Sopranos". Toni is from Avellino which resides in the "Campania" area of southern Italy. Most people speak variations of the "Napoletano" in that area.


Chris: Hey Tony, you still owe me 20 grand.

Tony: I owe you stugots!

Chris: I told Carmine I'd go to his daughters wedding, HA! Stugots that I'll go! I'll be laying in the sun at Miami beach instead.

See stugots, stugats


A term used to bascially to say you cocksucker, or a vulgar term along those lines. Said many times by my uncle when pissed off

Stugots (as he slams his hand on the table)

That fucking stugots stole all my money!

Whack that stugots

also on the boat of the sopranos, meaning this cock

See cock, shit, ass, vulgar, big


Chicago Italian slang.

Nothing, Got nothing.

What's up? Stugots

I got Stugots.


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