
What is Stumples?


A rare and extreme case of "cankles" in which each leg of a "big-boned" lass in question takes on a tree-trunk likeness. The stumple begins (or ends) where the ankle bone SHOULD be seen and finishes (or starts) in areas that are too frightful to imagine. Moss and hair-stubble accentuates this unseemly occurrence.

In some cases, backgound radiation is emitted from said lumber logs. Largely very dangerous to get caught in between.

"Good Lord, Big Bertha's stumples are exceptionally endowed today."

See stumple, cankle, cankles


Pimples on an amputees stump.

Honey, my nub is inflamed with little pimples...I think I have stumples

See pimples, bumps, amputee, acne


A rare and extreme case of "cankles" in which each leg of a "big-boned" lass in question takes on a tree-trunk likeness. The stumple begins (or ends) where the ankle bone SHOULD be seen and finishes (or starts) in areas that are too frightful to imagine. Moss and hair-stubble accentuates this unseemly occurrence.

In some cases, backgound radiation is emitted from said lumber logs. Largely very dangerous to get caught in between.

"Good Gawd, look at the uber-stumples on that Ent-wife!"

See cankle, stump


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