
What is Stun?



1. Used to describe something that exhibits a superior level of "coolness” or sophistication.

I really want that shirt; its so stun!

See cool, awesome, impressive, hip, ill


Quality possessed by an attractive woman.

Yo man, that girl got hella stun. She froze me when she walked in.

See stun, stunning, freeze, choke, knockout


A suffix used quite liberally by those who would like to spice up there language. It generally adds no meaning to the word it is added to, however adding the suffix to words gives the speaker a feeling of being unique and/or is used to identify with other members of there own circle of friends. It is also somewhat unique to certain regions, generally being west coast regions of the United States.

How are you doing-stun, haven't seen you in a minute-stun.

See stun, suffix, west coast, slang, ghetto


Stun is a word always use in dota.Stun is a name of a skil.

1.Sven Have a Skill Name Stun

2.Zhi Yuan Always Stun Us When Playing Dota

3.Lam Night Stalker Stun Us Every Game

See stun, dota, game, lam


People who may be booksmart, but lack the mental capacity of common sense.

"That's not chocolate on her leg. it's a mole, stun!"


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