
What is Stung?


Inebriated due to drinking large amounts of alcohol. Otherwise known as being drunk.

"Who's ready to get stung tonight!!!???"

"I drank a bottle of vodka and I'm so stung!"

"I spent too much money, but at least I got stung."

See drunk, crunk, wild, fucked up, fubar


You were given an STD.

Used along side sexual "Bee" terms.

Dont mess with the queen bee or you'll get stung!

See honey, queen bee, std


It is a mix between a hangover and being stoned. When you have after effects of being stoned you're stung.

"why are you spacing out so much today man?" "oh shit sorry dude i'm really stung right now, i smoked 5 minutes before i went to sleep."

See hangover, stoned, high, hungover, weed, marijuana, stunned


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