Stunt Butt

What is Stunt Butt?


The cute, often misunderstood cartoon character, Mr Stunt Butt. Shot to fame when an internet site posted films of him at 'work'.

Hey there Mr Stunt Butt, what are you up to?

See comedy, cartoon, animation, quirky, sick, poop


A performer in a TV show or movie, who does 'ass-stunts', such as someone having their ass power-sanded by Leslie Nielsen.

Mr. Griffith's Stunt Butt - Chuck Le Fever

See matt


Similar to that of a stunt double, a stunt butt is someone who replaces a male porn star when the pounding becomes too intense or a fuck stunt may be too dangerous for the star butt. A stunt butt can be identified by a gaping anal orifice and bruised buttocks. They are willing to take exorbitant amounts of cock to their anus for the greater good of a porno. Stunt butts must continuously adapt to and perform new fuck tricks brought into the porno community.

Stunt butt credo: "Fuck it"

Director: "CUT! O.K. Peter why don't you take five and we'll get the stunt butt in here for the flying sausage dive."

See stunt, butt, intense, army


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